Daily Arkansas Gazette from Little Rock, Arkansas (2025)

page THE AKIiAflSAS GAZETTE, LITTLE ROCK, SUNDAY, JUNE 9, 1912. FOBTY-EIGHT I10BE TArT DELEGATES HOG CHOLERA SERDU FURNISHED AT COST R00SEELT lYISITS CHICAGO THURSDAY :1 (CDUoud From Fin Oaa.) ii 'Mkid for, especially by ih Tilt at, the Republican rational eoavenUia which than caoiieUto not only the pria eifUe which he belie te should be started into law, but iaak showing eerie i a Idea that shunlil be defeats I la the additional rnformaUu-i received her to-lay -by the Maatv's friends whj are ilruftiiig the Tjlatform. Cloeely following the line of the Wilt introduced by Senator La Foliette for the regulation of trusts, hi trust plank will embody the same idea. This plank above all other will receive the direct personal attention of Senator Foliate. The platfurni will eontaia a plank opposing thip s'bbsiiiir.

It will dsnouoss political imy yard and will ask for the creation of a eommirioner tv investigate what 1 needed in the way of national dfene. Another plank will eppose the AUlrlch current chemv. Deputy Hutchins 8u: That Farmers Get Touch With Uni "That I true," said Holt, "although 1 had the entire -endorsement of the Wading men of the eity." "JWe want to do everything a regular manner," said Holt, "but bow can when are met at the door by thug armed with clubs and '451 less you want to put your Mai of approval on such thuggery, yon will havt to-teat out delegation." TownMod Enter Denial Wallace Townsend, representing the Taft faction, declared the Roosevelt delegate were urging "the revolutionary doctrine of their chieftain, the re-cll of judges' decision." denied that any armed men had guarded the doors of the Pulaski county convention hall. "The only elubs there were those of the Roosevelt men," he declared. "Mr.

Holt had a cane wrapped with metal, and other of them had cane. Leaders Plan Demonstration at Conference, After Which Announcement Is Made. A Splendid Syrup For Candies and Calces Here's the new Velva in the red canthe syrup that makes such' delicious candies and rives a finer flavor to every dish that requires sweetening. The New versity Station, a oBAKoa rox The Or at Adair Hunter's recent- We had men on the door to admit Yi il 7 I "bug tnem to vacate the building. oflliHUtoW Mr-f ffher ii 9 r-foT tt Wg1irt of sew delegation would be- admitted and Brealdast Syrap Chicago, June fc-TUs arrival or Wl! lam Flinn of the departure ot George W.

Perkins for Ohio, an all-day conference of a score of prominent leaders and announcement that a demonstration for their candidate would take place activities of the Roosevelt campaign managers today. Tonight, further Interest was aroused seml-offlctat an nouncement that Col. Roomvelt would be In Chicago person py next Thursday, possibly earlier. Oaora-e W. Perkins, Just before hi departure for Ohio and New York, was quoted as statins' that he had made reservations for CoL Roosevelt at a Chicago hotel.

John V. Cllnnln, an ofteer of the Spanish-American War Veterans, also said that he had received Informa gooes on in way wnn tn lire They are offering these goods, beds, chairs drawers, springs, tables, mattresses, linoleum, shades, gas stoves, at half price at 317 West Markham. i In the red can -j-J a Many inquiries have been reoatvad by the State Departmeut of AgrieMttttr recently as to what steps may be taken te prevent the spread of hog cholera. The Inquire are believed to indicate tbat the diaea.se Is more prevalent than USUeJ. Deputy Commissioner Hutchlna, tn re-ponae to these Jmjulrie.

la calling attention te the sict passed by the last' legislature, provrding for the veterinarian of the -experiment station of the University of Arkansas shall manufacture bog chol-rs serum in sufficient quantities to meet the demand of the atate and shall sell It to farmers and hog raisers. The law provides further that the veterinarian shall purchase and keep In stock a supply of instruments necessary for the proper uae of the serum and shall sell the Instruments and serum to the farmers and stock raisers at cost. The veterinarian is also instructed to Instruct the users how to apply the serum. The professor ef animal husbandry of each of the agricultural schools is made an assistant of the state veterinarian In carrying out the provisions of the act Dr. J.

F. Stanford ot Fayetteville la atate veterinarian and he will furnish Pi is a wholesome food that the little folks will REAL VIRGIN OLIVE OIL. Much of the so-called olive oil is not pure olive oiL We sell the pure French olive oil, made in France from the first or "Virgin" crop of olives grown in France. Pints, 80c: quarts. delight in and thrive FySS rtn A lr UAiir tasp meu, it mi desired la Mr iai tn eooAaitte -might go auanlmousiy on record in favor of tat Mating of th delegate.

The BooMvelt men on the committee or those who have indicated support of ome'of the Kooeevelt coatetta, asked Marching question! and repeatedly prolonged the aJloted half hour or bmt of discussion ia their desire to establish fully the merits of the Southern contest. After the noon hour the demand for votes became lee nnmeront and ia the majority of the- Florida and Georgia, the by viva voce vote, a Mattering sound 'anil greeting majority pf ia the Georgia contests. Hot Claiming BgnlaHty. "We are not claiming regularity," said J. A.

Comer of Little Bock, opening the Contest for the Roosevelt contestants in the Third district, "but we do claim we represent the majority of the Republicans." "I apprehend there are few in this room who know how politics are carried on in Arkansas." said Mr. Coiner. He declared the chairman of the committee on conventions will recognize only their own friends and declare their motions carried, even though the vote be overwhelmingly against them. "The only way we can overcome that practice is to hold two conventions," said Mr. Comer.

He characterized the Arkansas outcome as a "fraud that should not be countenanced by this national The Granger, or Taft, delegates rest their ease largely upon the regularity of their delegation, said no protests or contests or notices of contests had been filed with the Credentials Committee of the convention. A roll call was asked for by rising vote of almost the whole committee, and the Taft delegates weer endorsed, 50 to 0. Fourth District Then Called. The Fourth Arkansas district contest waa thea called. jfbf i tion direct from Oyster Bay to the af- gallons.

$3.75. Quick, free vl In Chicago ery to all parts of the city. Phones 83 by next Thursday In time to address and 2511. Armistead-Britton Co. 214 Main street.

reunion of the veterans on Thursday night Activities at the Taft headquarters, though second in general Interest to those or new Velva I 1 III with the red label i he has it now as well e. ffifZX MS as the regular yIWWS Velva with the FlshfMrW ireen label. 4fP Try a 10c can. gM heard, their people must be first let in, and they would present their eases. "They wanted to storm the convention hall.

Gus Remmel, nephew of State Chairman H. L. Remmel, went outside to expostulate with them, and he was struck on the head. Mr. Holt grabbed the door, and said: 'Come oh in, boys, and they tried to storm the hall.

"I know what 1 am talking about," added Mr. Townsend, "for I was there and saw the blood shed. Burnnam Motion Rejected. When the matter was put to a vote, Committeeman Burnham, Kentucky, a Roosevelt man, moved to substitute for the motion to seat the Taft delegates a provision for the Mating of both delegations, with have a vote each. This wa defeated by the first test vote of the day 42 to 10.

The original motion then was carried by a viva voce vote. Regularity Again Figure. The next case was the, last from Arkansas, that in the Seventh district. J. A.

Comer, for the Roosevelt delegates, declared there waa no Republican regularity in the Seventh Mr. Townsend, again representing the Taft interests, etoutly insisted upon the regularity of action in the district. The 8eventh district Taft delegate were unanimously declared seated. Committeeman Frank O. Lowden of Illinois interrupted the proceedings at the Roosevelt camp, were continuous I I any hog raiser with serum to prevent the spread of hog cholera among his stock.

Mr. Hutchins suggests that It would also be well to write to the United States De JONELAC. This is a new floor stain manufactured for the Jones House Furnishing Company, and according to specifications which include the very beet materials. A test of Jo-N-Lae will convince you of its merits. It is sold with a guarantee.

Bay a small can. If it does not pleas you, bring back the empty can and get your money back. 15 cents up. 618 Main. partment ot Agriculture for Farmer's Bulletin No.

24, on Hog Cholera and Swine Plague. during the day. Congressman McKlnley, reviewing the acta ot the national committee In seating the Taft delegates in Alabama. Arkansas, Florida and George contests, declared that nine-tenths of the decisions had been unanimous vote. "So much for Senator Dixon's charge that a steam roller Is operating In the governing body of the Republican party." Congresnman McKlnley eald.

Continuing his comment, he declared: 'The bad faith of all the Roosevelt contests, however, is amply reflected by Theodore Roosevelt himself, when, efter having one contest aTter another thrown out by the unanimous vote of the corn- "Everybody's Using It" Bert Olive Oil is positively the best oil for table use or medicinal nurooses mittee, lie said he never expected more than two votes In Alabama anyway." Senator Borah tonight said: "The Ninth Alabama and the Fifth Ar kansaa were the only contests heard thus far, which. In my opinion, had any merit. I do not believe contests should be presented which are not based on merit." you oan buy. Just ask someone who has used it. Telephone 295 or 2996 Public Drusr Tha Markham and Center.

wnn me remara: I think Gen. Clavton oucht tn atin whether or not he put up these The committee sreeted th Wallace Townsend, who had appeared in the Arkansas eases yesterday, again contended for complete regularity in all proceedings by which the Taft delegates were chosen. Mr. Townsend said none of his associates had been able to find out where Roosevelt convention was held, but ie had heard it was back of a store or livery stable. confusion with a roar of laughter.

JONES CUT-PRICE SALE Judicious buyers cannot help but appreciate this. It means NEW GOODS at very low prices. You save on every thing you buy, your saving varying from 10 to 50 To save anything at all is well worth while, but a saving of about one-third your money is an opportunity that does not often come your way. mother unanimous vote. Clayton Charges Entered.

Ia the next ease, from the Fifth Arkansas district, the Boose volt delegates, Headed by W. 8. Holt of Little Bock, again were the contestant. The Fifth district ease involved the tlleged assault by policemen upon Roosevelt adherent. "We had 109 of the 180 delegates the Pulaski eounty convention," said Mr.

Holt. "We went to the convention tin II and were met by policemen with lubs and He charged tbat in his own ward in Little Bock, Powell Clayton, nephew the national committeeman, refused to Roosevelt delegate te the applied place of meeting. Frnally the Roosevelt crowd forced negro Attorneys Present Oaa. With opposing negro attorneys presenting the questions of regularity in Florida and Georgia and with the Taft and Roosevelt contest manager asserting their opinions in vigorous language a to the character of Southern Republicanism the day' session took on an interest that held the committee members closely. The Georgia contests were of a distinctly legal character.

Ormsby McHarg, the Roosevelt attorney, contended that the Taft conventions had been held at a time and under a call that could not be legal because the annual registration lists had not been approved. This contention was denied by the Taft delgates. Their negro attorneys furnished, however; but part of the argument in the cases. The Taft force, led by Henry L. Johnson, a negro attorney of Atlanta, whose argument frequently was applauded by the committee members, characterised the Roosevelt contests in Georgia as "after thoughts" and declared tbat there had been no question in Georgia a to the interpretation of the state law "until after the advent of a stranger from the North," who reached the state about April 15.

They did not name the "stranger," but the committee laughed as if they thought they guessed his identity, jr- Florida Delegation Hostile. From Florida, in the cases of the delegation at large and of the first its way into to nail and (elected a lit of delegates, Clayton leaving the ball. Later, said Mr. Holt, Clayton came back with 25 or 30 men and selected Another set of delegates, who later were lr-dared legal by the eounty convention. Postmasters and Politic.

Mr. Holt charged that postmasters lomiuated Arkansas politics. How long were you postmaster of district, came two contesting delega-1 Little Rock?" demanded Gen. Clayton. "Twelve years and four months," replied Holt.

"Were you a candidate for reappoint-nentt" "I wa." tions, each regarded as pro-Roosevelt and each hostile to the other as well as to the Taft delegates. Some interesting side lights were thrown upon the Republican situation "And not appointed!" asked Gen. in the South by the day's testimony and in spite of the intensity of feeling between faction the committee wa sev Bungalow Ariels A Colonial Beauty Thia ia shown in Mahogany and is a SMjiM I Aa JPdles in fc "Oups of "fiv'aqtiare- porta on either a side of a central group of five turn eral times in roars of laughter over the recital of amusjng apiaodea witbqujt much regard to their factional; sympa- A popular Wood Bed usually used thie. Some of the hottest of the contests were from district where ry made with 2-inch posts and 1-inch filling rods; in stock now in weath Rip Oct Your FiroEn Qeto You Won't Heed Them Aor More If You Uw P1E3PI-If0! It's tood-bye forever to dress shields. Boed-bye to exoesslve unnatural peri pi ra-Uon of the arm-pit.

Tou can wear any dotting or Uv in bo tally ed posts. It is a regular $42.50 bed white Republican voters ars scarce. ered oak, golden oak and satin-fin which you can buy no for $25.00 TAFT APPROVES TWO PLANKS i73.00 ished walnut. Regular $17.50 values for ...1... $9.99 Liberal One Pledges Government to Irrigation Policy.

Same style Bed in regulation head and foot boards, with 9 filling rods; CJTFDT FOR We have Beds with the same design frame but straight filling rods placed at equal distance from each other, at the following prices $40 Golden Oak Bed for $60 Bird 'i-Eye Maple Bed for $30.00 in mahogany finish and golden oak. uueu vat. Reduced from $25.00 It $14.75 I to Washington, June 8. Two sugguat-ed planks lor the platform of the Republican national convention were approved by President Taft today. TU first include an indorsement ef the president' recommendation for the exttnsion of th civil service to include all iiostmtvT, collector of custom and interna' revenue and practically everv other federal office ia the government department now In th classified enie.

The ceeoEb concerns principally the West and t'outhwest Oiid pledge the ar-vrrnnttnt tc a liberal irrigation pol-Icy. A. recommendation that negotiation with Mexico for th establishment of a better boundary line between the Here is a dandy outfit in Golden Quartered Oak at a bargain. The outfit quoted consists of a large 48-inch, solid top, quarted oak table, with six quartered oak diners. The diners have Spanish leather slip seats and are very swell Selected material was used throughout in the construction of these pieces.

The same chairs with a 54-inch solid top table of wood cost but $62.00 at the sale price. Note the other table bargains quoted below: two countries, near the mouth of the Colorado river, is proposed. HAS ROOSEVELT FAMILY In Walnut Finish Wlf of Colonel' Manager Arrive In Chicago With FIT Daughter. -ii. T-v HI $17.50 Round Extension Tables $13.15 Here's another great Ariel Bargain Bed in stock, has square frame of 2-inch posts, with top rod as shown, with nine spindles, placed equally In Wliite Enamel This square frame, white enamel Bed, with brass caps, top and bottom, is a big bargain indeed at the 1 7C little, price of I Oil We are also showing a continuous post, white enamel Bed, brass trimmed $32.50 value, for half nr price, just I DiLu 1 "No Mare Ann-Ht Feneemtioa aad Ka More Prist SasaMa.

I Us PERSPMia' rooms, but yon will never again have) ytmr loth in tn the arm-pits soaking wet front perspiration, or hav them get stiff, fads, and hav the color run, If von use the ew marvel, PBRSPI-NO. Yon can go to ft danoe, to the theatre, oncert, or any social affair, feeling sure that you will never be humiliated or be la perfect misery because of arm-pit PKR8PI-NO is a powdor, simple formula, absolutely safe for anybody. Try It ones yonll be eonvlnoed and surprleed. To apply It with th pad which 1 packed with every box sold, PERSPl-NO is a wonder Tou 11 say so after using It obov ftatlxfaetkm or money refunded. PKRSPI-HO 1 for sal at your dra price, by the Perspo Co.

tTU Lincoln Chicago, got sal and reeommended to lattl Boekv by Snodfras ft Bracy, Publie Drug Co- $16.87 uno o.iuii, wwenjiu tlizon, wife of the Montana senator who i managing Col. Boose velt's campaign, has arrived from Washington for $22.50 Round Extension Tables $24.00 Round Extension Tables $27.50 Round Extension, Tables $30.00 Round Extension Tables the national convention wun a typical apart. Shown in rich walnut Jinish. $18.00 Boosevelt family. Fiv little girls, the youngest only 2 year old.

prattled merrily when, with A regular $30.00 Bed for $16.75 their mother, they Joined their father, LINOLEUM Bolman Drug Armistead-Bxitton for home or office should be pharmacy. CUT GLASS AT HALF PRICE Isa grael bargain. It's case where we lose money and you make it. See our stock. 9x12 Velvet Rugs $14.75 Here's the fcest price ever put on a new rug of this grade.

The styles and colors are both good and pleasing. A variety to choose from. A lot of fine bargains in high-garde rugs, too. who "as oeen nere zor several "Yes, this i a real Boosevelt laughed Mrs. Dixon to a reporter.

"There is who ia 14; Florence. 12; Dorothy, 9-, Mary Joe. 5, and Little Betty. And. being little, they are for the Mrs.

Dixon will remain for th convention, bpt said she did not think the children would ty. They will go on to Missoula, with th nurse. bought right now. We've a fine CHRISTIAN COLLEGE AND C0N8ESVAT0BY OF MUglO full selection to offer you at our low cut For Young Women. Columbia, Mo.

Btxty-cond year. Hiitoric old col lg. in a "eity whose busi- ARKANSAS' CREATE5T STORE WHAT LA F0LLETTE ASKS Will Demand of Convention Platform nes is education. School of Music, Art, Eloention and Domestic Science; SO college trained instructors, five lurg buildings, 20rer cmpu for outdoor ort. Home car.

For year book address 1 Ktm, W. fit. Clalr-Moes, Fros. I59A Plac. URNISHIM Plank Ha Urge.

Madison, sTune 8. That Beoa- I "1 4 1 tor La Foliette will demand a platfoim.

Daily Arkansas Gazette from Little Rock, Arkansas (2025)
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Name: Roderick King

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: 3782 Madge Knoll, East Dudley, MA 63913

Phone: +2521695290067

Job: Customer Sales Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Embroidery, Parkour, Kitesurfing, Rock climbing, Sand art, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Roderick King, I am a cute, splendid, excited, perfect, gentle, funny, vivacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.